Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Major Bump in the Road

Things have not gone according to plan. In my opinion, we have just experienced our first life-plan-glitch. We didn't get into Chicago for Business School (or any other school). When we found out I spent most of the morning crying and Chris spent the day frustrated and mad.

I KNOW something will work out for us and I KNOW Heavenly Father knows what is best. As much as being in limbo stinks what stinks even more is seeing your husband work 60-80 hour weeks and still manage to work incredibly hard to submit stellar applications for B-school only to get denied...and now I am getting misty again. That is definitely what is hardest for me.

We are considering several other options, and we'll see what happens. I sincerely appreciate you friends and family for the well wishes and the good thoughts sent our way.

To Chris (who hardly ever reads this blog), you are a rock star! Everyday, not some days but everyday, I am inspired and grateful for your hard work. Something wonderful will happen for us and I will always be next to you, working hard to make that happen. I love you.



Erinn said...

Don't worry I had tears when I heard the news too. Although I'm happy to have you here in LA just a little longer. No doubt Plan B will be even better! You have our thoughts & prayers.

Andrea Coles said...

Not that this will make the frustration go away, but I love you guys to death. I'm so sorry to hear the news, but have to say that there definitely must be something else in the works for you guys because I just can't imagine that Chris would get passed over like that for no reason.

All I can say is be patient and that you are lucky to have another year to hang out in beautiful LA and be close to family for a bit longer. And that can't be all that bad, right?

Plan B will be great and will maybe work out better than Plan A. You just never know how things are going to work out.

Diane said...

Now I'm getting you guys!

Lacy Rane said...

We love you too.

The Bredensteiners said...

Like stones in the river we are tossed and turned
When the current moves so strong
But stones in living waters over time
Are shaped until the edges are gone
Polished and smooth that's what we will be

I always think of this song when my life is challenging. I try to think, "what am I supposed to be learning" and let my suffering fall into the hands of the Lord. LIFE CAN BE HARD!

I have complete faith that an awesome path will open for you guys soon- keep it up!

I am so grateful that Chris married such a supportive and positive person!

Love you guys and I'm sending many prayers your way.