I would really like to add a few unique prints in our little apartment. Right now we just have a few wedding pictures up, which I love, but I would like to add a few things like this.
So You Think You Can Dance premiers on May 22! Oh boy! Rarely, do I get excited about TV shows but this is an exception, and Chris likes it too. I can't wait to pick out my new favorite dancer.
Last month Chris and I decided to set a goal of doing at least one service project a month. It isn't much but it has been a blessing to us already. A couple weekends ago Chris and I participated in a service project with our friends Andrew and Erinn. Their Stake planned a project to help at the Los Angeles food bank so we decided to tag along.
The Stake was in charge of weeding through bins of oranges, melons, and cabbages and packing the acceptable food into boxes. The people at the food bank doubted our ability to get through all the food in the time allotted but we finished with a few minutes to spare.
We had a great time and we're looking forward to our next service project coming up next weekend. The members of our ward were asked to donate a total of $500 towards the supplies of newborn kits. People were generous and we were able to collect over $900! The actual assembly of the kits will take place next Saturday. You bet we will be there!
I saw a trailer for this movie a while back and Diane told me it is now out in theaters. How great are these people? I want to be a little cooky and fun like this when I'm old.
We got to go to one of my best friend's wedding a couple weekends ago. Chris also knew Jessica because he was her home teacher once upon a time. The wedding was in the Mount Timpanogas temple and it was beautiful, although a little chilly.
Between the ceremony and the reception Chris and I visited a lot of friends. We don't get a lot of time off work so we made the most of our vacation. The reception was very lovely and my other good friend, Katie, (the one in pink) caught the bouquet...it's not the first one she's caught ;).