Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Just a few words about my sweet grandma Rane. She passed away last night but was very ready to go. I am so grateful I got to see her just days ago when I was in Utah.

It's been a rough year for grandparents; Chris lost both his grandpas and now my last grandparent. We miss them all and love them. I have more to say but I will leave it at that.


kat said...

That is a beautiful picture of the two of you. We were going to see her this Sunday. We are just five days too late. We may be able to change the route on our road trip to make it to her funeral though. I think she was an amazing grandma!

Brittnie said...

We got to go see her the day before she passed and she really was ready to go. She's been an awesome grandma to me these last 3 years!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you were able to see your Grandma before she passed Kristen. It has been a rough year for grandparents, hasn't it.