Monday, October 15, 2007

Getting "Fiancéd"

Kristen's Perspective:

I was so excited for our trip to San Francisco. I had never been before and I hoping Chris would propose there since the timing and location were right. We only planned on staying for three days and the first day was spent in the city with Spencer and Mardee Clive (Chris's friends). Since there was no opportunity to be alone I didn't suspect it would happen that day. The second day Chris and I rented a tandem bike to ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. How perfect! I thought this must be the day he'll propose so I did my hair and wore an outfit I wouldn't mind taking pictures in. But when we embarked on our adventure I couldn't find any hint of him having the ring. He didn't have a backpack to put the box in and I would definitely notice if it was in his pocket. I started wondering if he was really going to propose on this trip or make me wait longer. How cruel! I was still excited for our day's adventure and ended up getting more of a workout than I anticipated.

We biked up the hill to the bridge and took some pictures along the way. About halfway across the bridge I asked if he wanted to take pictures but there were a lot of people at that spot so he suggested we bike a little further. We stopped at a place where no one else had stopped and got off the bike to rest and take a few pictures. Chris had his arms around me and started saying sweet things to me which isn't unusual (I'm grateful for that). I'm keeping the mushy love stuff to myself but just know it was good! Then he asked, "are you ready for this?" then got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of his sock! I was so surprised and pleased. He asked me to marry him and of course I accepted.

It was a perfect trip, perfect day, and perfect location to get engaged to my perfect man.


The Kyles said...

Hey Chris!!

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Marriage is the best. I'm glad to see you have joined this blog thing... Well good luck with everything. I'm really happy for you!


Diane said...

Very cute you two. See you soon!

Erinn said...

So funny! Andrew did the same thing..I mean hiding the ring in his sock. :) I'm so happy to have another blogging buddy!